View our past and upcoming events

  • Downlining Disinformation

    Check out this new publication from our Lab’s co-director Frankie Mastrangelo, written in collaboration with Gina Longo: “Downlining Disinformation: How MLM Distributors Use Gendered Strategies for Recruitment and Pastel QAnon Indoctrination” Social Media + Society

  • Data Ecologies

    The data economy is dangerously accelerating, compounding and intensifying environmental and climate-related harms world-wide as well as algorithmically extending neocolonial practices, logics, and hierarchies. Data Ecologies responds to the need for an expansive environmental justice approach to the multiple scales and geographies of harm produced by the data economy.

  • Abolish the University?

    Members of the Abolition University Studies network collectively wrote a pamphlet exploring ways we see and act within and beyond the university with an abolitionist orienation.

  • University Ecologies

    What role(s) do universities play in responding to a climate crisis that they are complicit in accelerating?

  • Cannabis in Consolidation

    How are investors actively narrowing the possibilities for small-scale, social equity businesses to survive and thrive, shutting out ecologically and socially liberatory possibilities?

  • Climate Circles

    Small group discussions meant to provide space for respectful, honest and caring engagement with our relationships with and alienation from the planet-in-crisis.